Saturday, December 10, 2011

Good News Coming to Town

i'm so happy, peopleeeeee :) kekekkee.. you don't ask me the reason? if you wanna know, i will tell you, if you don't, i will tell you too!
last night i'm goint to Tunjungan plaza in Surabaya with my friends, and when i see one small stand in front of haagen dazs, it wrote 'Dairy Queen' but the stand not open yet. so in my heart said dairy queen? which dairy queen that will open?  because so curious i open dairy queen official twitter and yeah Dairy Queen(DQ) ice cream will open soon in surabaya. So in love with DQ.
first time i know about DQ when i watch TLC bout 10 ice cream most favorite in America and Haagen Dazs in number 1 of cource, ben and jerry in list too. and i pay attention with DQ because type of ice cream that he sold is like ordinarry ice cone like McD and KFC have it and the shape of cones is different and unique
layered cone is the uniqueness of DQ, and eventho that is ice cone like McD and KFC have but the taste so different so do the price. i taste it first time when i go to jakarta, taste so creamy, smooth, moist and milky. like i cant stop eat that. different with another ice cone so quick melt and tasteless sometime, like water DQ give you best ice cone in earth because they use full cream to make their ice. if you in love with cones, DQ the only one. DQ also have blizzard that so famous too, hhmmmm.. blizzard like mcflurry but better of couse. counting the day when DQ open in Tunjungan..
not only DQ makes me happy, also Starbucks Coffee coming to my hometown (south sulawesi) and launch in 15december! another great news i read in twitter that Sour Sally will open too in my hometown too in 23 december. triple of happiness today